Purchase New Phase-Guard

Select Phase-Guard Model

at 0.00

Standard Features:
  • Phase loss / 12% phase unbalance with fixed 1.5 sec. time delay.
  • 40 amp rated DPDT output relay contacts.
  • Automatic reset after fault has cleared.
  • Event log which maintains date & time of 50 most recent events & changes
  • Admin. Tool software download which enables;
    • Access to the event log.
    • User implemented modifications, upgrades, and settings changes.
  • USB cable & hanger clamp.

Model P - Relay is energized when conditions are normal.
Model PND - Relay is de-energized when conditions are normal.

Your Phase-Guard can be customized with additional features below. These features can be added at a later date and applied to the Phase-Guard through the Admin Tool software.

Time Delay
at 0.00

The Phase-Guard comes standard with a fixed 1.5 second time delay. A custom delay time can be selected.

Select Additional Phase-Guard Features

(L) - Lost Phase Identifier - NEW FEATURE
Purchase ($70)

Identifies which phase was bad during a Phase Loss event.

(ADJ) - Phase Loss Time Delay Adjustment
Purchase ($70)

When a phase loss or phase unbalance is detected, this feature will delay the relay from tripping for the time period selected. Range is 0.5 to 30 seconds.

(AUB) - Adjustable Unbalance
Purchase ($70)

This feature allows user to adjust the Phase Loss / Unbalance trip point. Available range is 5% to 15% phase unbalance.

(R) - Reverse Phase Detection
Purchase ($70)

Often called negative phase sequence. This feature prevents motors from operating when phases are out of proper sequence by keeping the Phase Guard from resetting to normal until proper phase sequence is restored.

(LV) - Low Voltage Detection
Purchase ($70)

Brownout protection. This feature will trip the relay when voltage on all 3 phases drop to 70% of nominal operating voltage and automatically reset when voltage returns to 90% of nominal. There is a 2 second delay built in to prevent nuisance tripping.

(LVA) - Low Voltage Adjustment
Purchase ($70)

This feature allows user adjustment of the low voltage or brownout trip point. Available range is 70% to 87% of normal. Time delay can be set from 0.5 to 15 seconds.
Requires: Low Voltage Detection

(O) - Overvoltage Detection
Purchase ($70)

This feature will trip the relay when voltage on all 3 phases exceeds 115% of nominal, and automatically reset when voltage returns to 105%. There is a 2 second delay built in to prevent nuisance tripping.

(OVA) - Overvoltage Adjustment
Purchase ($70)

This feature allows user adjustment of the overvoltage trip point. Available range is 108% to 115% of normal. Time delay can be set from 0.5 to 15 seconds.
Requires: Overvoltage Detection

(RTD) - Reset Time Delay Adjustment
Purchase ($70)

After the relay has tripped and normal voltage is restored, this feature will delay the relay from resetting to normal for the time period selected. Range is 0.5 seconds to 10 minutes and includes manual reset.

(RS) - Normal Relay Selector
Purchase ($70)

This feature allows user to define whether the relay is normally Energized or De-energized.

(PUT) - Power Up Time Delay
Purchase ($70)

Prevents the Phase Guard from functioning for a set time (0 seconds – 10 minutes) following a total outage. Delay possible from either Normal or Trip mode. Software selectable.

(NOD) - Normal Operation Delay
Purchase ($70)

Prevents the Phase Guard from functioning for a set time (0 seconds – 10 minutes) after the relay resets to normal following a fault.

(X) - Remote Display Module
Purchase ($230)

The Remote Display Module allows access of Phase-Guard function and features to move to a convenient panel location.
More Information

(XC) - CloudCom
Purchase ($400)

CloudCom allows you to stay connected with alerts from your Phase-Guard, delivered seamlessly through text messages and/or emails in real time.
More Information

Unit Price: